The Dream Of April—With The Bloom Of Blossoms, Dare To Be Dreamers, Care To Be Dream Fulfillers
It started in quite a determined way. The first day of the new week of the new month. Someone very close to me reaching a truly remarkable milestone, which few do. And so I say, very well done, may it be to all!
Let us follow our heartfelt dreams, let us be dreamers and dream fulfillers. Now, when the quest to the summit has started, we all need our highest spirit and most persevering strength, the greatest team, the firmest belief in ourselves and the be it of our dream.
And as I am hiking and climbing with a consistent step by step, the loveliest blossoms bloom in my eyes. Are they close and dreaming or wide open to the sight in front of them? It does not matter as it is all real. If you see it in your heart, your dream is already real.
Then, you just follow, keep a steady pace along the way, and walk on as much as it takes. If you need a break, if you need to shake, if you have to bend, just pause, and take a deep breath, take another one and again, rest, reset, resume, restart, re-take.
Keep keeping on. Time does not matter, time is relative anyway. It always takes as long as it needs. Give it what it takes. All it takes is to believe in our dreams and walk it all the way, no rush, no quit, no give up, patience, persistence, pin-point focus, follow.
And this is how I see you April, blooms and blossoms all in pale pink to rose. Strong determination in the softest expression to grow this amazingly beautiful flower, the dream in action steady towards its fulfilment, knowing it is a labour, ready to give birth to it.