Feng Shui: Double Nine Blessing In September

Fire And Metal Energy Meet With A Double Nine Blessing In September
Double Nine Blessing—When September Month Number Matches The Energy Of Period 9

As golden September is flowing into silver October, it is time to say a hearty thank you to the old before we welcome the new astrological month. These three in a row together with iron November all form the metal energy time of the year, which turns more and more inwards.

It is the time when the harvest from our heart work in the year ripens in precious bright yellow and we gather to feast around the full table with the positive results we have accomplished. It is a time of pride and content when we pleasingly start taking in what we have produced.

September is different from its other autumn siblings because of this. We are still together before we start to self-absorb as the season progresses towards winter and nature falls asleep. Symbolically, it is the child hand in hand with mother Earth and father Cosmos.

This year, September is even more unique. At the onset of the new Period 9, it is the month for its first time that matches its number with its own and thus both create a double 9. This is to be the most powerful combination in the coming years as per Feng Shui being the ruling number of the period.

Tapping in its positive energy to successfully activate its good luck potency can be as simple as highlighting the attributes of its fire element. As the most active outward flowing energy, its substance is the light, with as bright red colour and as sharp pointed shape.

In September, the lily flower can represent a unique combination of these appearing to be opposites two energy types. This beautiful child of nature with delightful scent genuinely unites the shapes and colours of fire and metal as it harmoniously flows through earth.

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