Motivation: Adorable August Memories Of Happy Family Summers

Welcome August—The Most Adorable Times Of Life From Family Summers Back To Ever Happy Memories
As You Are The Endless Earth, The Sand, The Sea, The Summer, The Smile Of Mine In The Infinite Universe

August, you are the soft and solid earth beneath, but you also are the universe everywhere, infinite as your eight, perpetual as the wave of the sea, constant flowing as the breeze, endless as the horizons, countless as the golden particles of sand, eternal as the smiling summer child in me.

You are mum and dad wedded as a loving couple, you are us the beloved family spending our happy holidays together as far as dear memories can come back. But they are never gone. We had the most adorable childhood; are we not blessed with these most precious gifts of life that last forever?

And I follow now and ever your ways winding back and forward, here and there. And it is my soul that breathes the air, and it is my heart that melts down in utmost pleasure with love for the sun. My sunshine, my warmth, in my footsteps marking my trail for history, in my hair turning to seafoam.

The mermaid, a sweet child of the water, the happiest moments are one with the water. And you dive in, and lean on the surface gazing at the blue skies, having the unearthiest freedom. And when the sunset calls back in its irresistible mellow gold to copper, it is time again to swim with the jellyfish.

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