Motivation: First Of June

The Day To Celebrate The Lovable Kids Who Still Live Inside Us
Have The Most Spontaneous, Carefree, Joyful And Playful Celebration Time Of Childhood

It is the day when all kids celebrate from the li-li littlemost to the boo-boo biggest grown-ups!

It is the day when we smile to the sky, as far up as our kites can ever fly!

It is the day when all colours are so bright they brighten up a whole world of black and white!

It is the day when everything is full of joy and we play with our magic toys!

It is the day when we jump up high and we fall and we roll on the ground in the joyest laughter!

It is the day when we float up and down in the carefree boat of life!

It is the day when minutes go by and round as a speedy carousel as we stay forever young!

It is the day when our spontaneous naive wins our lifetime friends!

It is the day when running restless after our rainbow stripes balls we still gladly skip every lunch break!

It is the day when we swing so free with the wind!

It is the day when we are the perfect imperfections as the sweethearts of mum and dad!

It is the day when we joke to cry to a melting point of the coolest cake ice!

It is the day when everything is sweet as a chocolate spread on our hands and cheeks and feet!

It is the day when all happy start—happy end fairy tales take place!

It is the day when we whistle and we dance having the best childhood time of our lives!

It is the day when we celebrate the adorably lovable kid inside ourselves!

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